2,156,652$ news and insights on google platforms, tools, and events. Go to settings in Google > search settings > change 'results per page' to 100. Top SEO sites provided "Bookmarklets" keyword. This is a bookmarklet that allows you to download the full-size photo you're currently viewing. Right click on the shortcut you want to convert to a bookmarklet. To install a bookmarklet simply "right-click" on a link and save it as a bookmark (or favorite) or drag it to your bookmarks. Google Algorithm Updates UNBLOCKING ALL SITES #1: On the sign in page on your chromebook, click apps in the bottom left. To use these bookmarklets simply drag the link into your bookmarks bar! Once you have done that all you need to do is click on them to use! Note: Some of these won't work on all webpages. Then go to the bottom where it says "terms" select that. It's as easy as drag and drop! Bookmarklets are short pieces of Java code that can be run from the address bar of your browser, favorites, links or a folder. From the navigation panel: At the top right of your browser, click Side panel. In the great tradition of reinventing the mouse wheel, here is SmartScroll, a bookmarklet to scroll down a web page, in a continuous manner.

Some typical things that one do is remove a background image from a web page, change the background or text color, search and highlight words and phrases, invoke a search or find an acronym based on the selected words.